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  2. Documentos
  3. Mobile English
  4. Login to KIO Link

Login to KIO Link

Enter the Apple Appstore to the Google Play Store and search for KIO-link in the search bar to download the official application.

Once the application is installed you can open it and the login screen will be displayed.

For KIO users there is the option of logging in through your Google account, in that case click on the button with the legend “I am KIO” and choose your Google account or log in with it to gain access.

For client users select the option “I am External” and log in through email and password.

By completing the steps you will already have an active KIO-link session to manage your visits. We recommend the use of more recent web browsers such as those on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, the use of internet explorer or another obsolete browser may affect the operation of the application.