Click on the “+” button that is inside the list of your visits on the main kiolink screen.

To carry out a courier type visit, some additional steps are necessary to the information of a visit of another type

Each of the additional elements has a dialog box which describes the purpose of each piece of information. The symbol * denotes the characteristic of being a mandatory element in the form, try to fill in this information to be able to save your visit.

Additionally, it is necessary to attach a file that contains the format of the devices to the visit in the “Files” section in the button located in the lower right corner.

If necessary, there is also the option to remove the attached file from view by clicking on the red “X” for each attached file.

When you save your visit, a confirmation box will open. You just have to select the “Yes” option. Always remember to follow the instructions to the letter to streamline the visitation processes.

With these steps you have generated an office-type visit, to finish a dialog box will be displayed with the information of your visit.